Legal information

Prohibited Products Policy

The VIZBL Group has a very strict policy regarding the products that may be displayed on the Platform. All products must comply with all laws and regulations and this Prohibited Products Policy.

We strive to make the products of our Platform safe and trustworthy. The following products are prohibited from posting on the Platform:

  • illegal products;
  • stolen or counterfeit goods;
  • second-hand goods, with the exception of genuine vintage and antiques;
  • recalled or defective goods;
  • weapons;
  • products using the name or brand of a company or designer in the title or description, unless those products were legally produced or authorized by the said company or designer;
  • products that infringe IP rights or the personal rights of others;
  • ivory or other endangered materials;
  • products that contain offensive, obscene, violent or inappropriate content in product names, descriptions, logos or images, including:
  • profanity or symbols and signs that represent profanity;
  • pornographic and sexually explicit materials;
  • promoting or portraying illegal activities;
  • propaganda or depiction of violence against others or oneself;
  • promoting or portraying hatred, intolerance, violence, ridicule, bigotry towards a group of people, or promoting organizations that promote such views (for example, Nazi memorabilia);
  • encouraging or depicting animal cruelty.

You are solely responsible for all products that you post on the Platform and for your understanding of all laws governing their sale and distribution. All of your products must comply with this Policy at all times. If you sell a product that violates this Policy, we may, in our sole discretion, immediately remove your content and suspend or close your account.

1 July 2021