Legal information

Review Policy

The platform may allow users to post reviews for you. Reviews are considered your content.

By posting a review, you acknowledge and agree that:

  1. You are not a director, employee, officer or manager: companies whose products or services are the subject of the review, a competitor of a company or a person whose products or services are the subject of the review;
  2. You are not related in any way, including family ties, marriage, with a business or individual whose products or services are the subject of the review;
  3. Your review is based on your personal experience with the products, business, or individual whose services are being reviewed;
  4. Your feedback is accurate, truthful and complete;
  5. Your review does not violate our Acceptable Use Policy, including by means of defamatory, defamatory, threatening, offensive, invading privacy, offensive, harmful, hateful, discriminatory, pornographic or obscene content (determined by us in our sole and absolute discretion);
  6. If you received monetary or other remuneration in any amount for writing and posting a review, this will be clearly indicated in the text of your review;
  7. You will not use the posting or deletion of your review to solicit payment from any company or individual, unless bona fide refund requests made due to poor customer interaction with our Professional User are acceptable.

1 July 2021