To upload a model to the VIZBL platform you will need:
- 3d model file in FBX format. If your model consists of multiple objects with different texture sets, you can upload multiple files.
- A set of textures for each of the FBX files, consisting of three files:
DIFFUSE (JPEG or PNG, 1:1 aspect ratio, resolution up to 2048px)
NORMAL (JPEG, 1:1 aspect ratio, resolution up to 2048px)
ORM (JPEG, 1:1 aspect ratio, resolution up to 2048px) - A preview image file of your model (JPEG format, 1:1 aspect ratio, over 1000px)
Model Requirements:
Limitations on the number of polygons: 500000 for all objects in the scene.
Since the 3d model is processed by the resources of the device on which it is viewed, you should optimize your 3d model for faster loading and smoother viewing. The smaller the file size, the better.
Do not use Turbosmooth or OpenSubDiv on simple hard-surface shapes. This will create unnecessary unaffected geometry that will increase the file size. Instead, use the Chamfer (Bevel) modifier with supporting edges to round corners.

In order to display correctly in AR, your model must be made in the same size as in real life. Use meters as Scale Units in 3d modeling software.
Your model must be centered in the X and Y coordinates. On the Z axis, your model should not go below 0. The Pivot point of each object in the model should be at position 0;0;0, the Pivot point angles should also be 0;0;0.

Types of placement
There are 4 types of object placement: All, Floor, Wall, Ceiling.
For “All” and “Floor”, apply the rules described above.
When making a model for “Wall” type (paintings, mirrors, etc.), it is necessary to place the model “standing” on the bottom edge, so that the model does not go below 0 on Z and Y axes. Pivot point still in 0;0;0.

For “Ceiling” type models, you need to place your model the same as on “Floor” type but the model should be upside down. Pivot point still in 0;0;0

UV Mapping
Each object in the model must have the correct UV. This means that for each object’s UV:
All UV-shells must be placed in 1 UDIM

There should be no overlapping UV-shells.

There should be no flipped UV-shells

All UV-shells should have approximately the same texel density.
Textures Requirements:
A set of 3 textures is required for each FBX file you upload:
DIFFUSE - In most cases, the JPEG format should be used. If the object has transparency/semi-transparency - use PNG format with required transparency value in alpha channel.
NORMAL - JPEG format should be used. For correct display of bumps use DirectX Normal Map Format.
ORM (OcclusionRougnessMetalness) - JPEG format should be used. Texture including 3 different maps in different channels of RGB image (R - Occlusion, G - Roughness, B - Metalness).
All models should be in aspect ratio 1:1 and not more than 2048x2048 px
Preview Requirements:
The image size should be more than 1000 px on each side. The aspect ratio is 1:1.

In the preview, the model should look the same as in the 3D viewer, so we recommend using a screenshot taken in the VIZBL 3D viewer as the preview image.

Choose an angle that shows the product favorably. Do not use odd angles that distort proportions and make it difficult to appreciate the advantages of the product.